APA Chicago has assembled prominent art producers and creatives from the buying community to review photographer portfolios in-person @ Tyllie Barbosa’s Studio.
APA Chicago has assembled the brightest stars in the agent and consultant community to virtually review photographer portfolios.
APA Chicago has assembled prominent art producers and creatives from the buying community to review photographer portfolios via Zoom.
APA Chicago has assembled the brightest stars in the agent and consultant community to review photographer portfolios and we're capping it off with a mixer.
Building relationships are the most important activity you can do to grow your business and career. Now you can make three meeting happen in one night.
What is the one thing, that if you did it more regularly, would have the most positive impact on your career and business? Hint: Build Relationships.
What is the one thing, that if you did it more regularly, would have the most positive impact on your career and business?
Meet potential new clients -- show them your finest work. Our APA Photographer Members Only Portfolio Review will be on March 7th; it always sells out quickly.
APA Chicago is proud to sponsor Chicago Creative Review. Get your portfolio reviewed by: art producers, creative/art directors, photo editors, and artist reps.